The Color Correction node adjusts image map attributes such as Brightness, Hue, Saturation, Gamma, and Contrast.

Figure 1: Color correction Node

Figure 2: The Color Correction node alters the RGB Color node's Hue and Brightness values before connecting to a Diffuse material's Diffuse pin


    • Input - The Texture to apply the operation. 
    • Brightness - Brightness or color correction. 
    • Invert - Invert the colors from the input texture. 
    • Hue - Shift the hue of the color. A value of 1.0 shifts the color by 180 degrees on the color wheel.
    • Saturation - Saturation correction. 
    • Gamma - Gamma correction. 
    • Contrast - Contrast correction. 
    • Gain - Gain correction. 
    • Exposure - Exposure correction in stops. 
    • Mask - Blends between the input (if set to 0) and the color corrected result (if set to 1).