Working With Files and Geometry


Geometry can be imported into Octane Standalone using a mesh or scene node. An individual mesh object should be exported from your 3D application using the OBJ file format. This is brought into your Octane scene using the Geometry > Mesh option. To bring in a scene that contains multiple objects or animation you’ll want to export as an alembic file (abc) and then import using the Geometry > Scene option.


Once the scene has been imported into Octane it should be connected to the render target. Multiple objects can be combined using the Group node. If the object needs to be repositioned a placement node should be connected between the object and the render target. The settings within the Placement node can be used to set the position and a single mesh node can be connected to multiple placement nodes, each with its own settings, to create many instances of the same object.


To determine how Octane renders OBJ meshes and AlembicAn open format used to bake animated scenes for easy transfer between digital content creation tools. scenes you can adjust the settings in the Import tab of the Preferences. These settings can also be accessed for meshes by clicking on the wrench icon in the Node Inspector when the mesh node is selected. Settings such as units, smoothing, and subdivision are found in the Import options.


Loading and Saving a Scene

The ORBX File Format

Importing and Exporting

Managing Geometry