Analytic Light
The Analytic lights mimic mesh lights but generate much less noise at lower sampling values than their mesh counterparts (figure 1).
Analytic Light |
Figure 1: The Analytic light and it's associated parameters
Analytic Light Parameters
Type - Determines the light shape.
Spread Angle - Sets the width of the light source's cone of illumination when Quad or Disk light types are selected.
Spread Cutoff Hardness - Sets the edge hardness of the cone of illumination when Quad or Disk light types are selected.
Normalize Power - Keeps the emitted power constant when the angle changes.
Falloff Radius - Determines the falloff distance from the light source.
Use in Post Volume - Enables or disables the light in post volume rendering.
Emission - The emission type can be either a Texture Emission or a Black Body Emission. See the Mesh Emitters section for more details.
Transform - Contains parameters to move, scale, and rotate the analytic light.
Object Layer - Contains the standard object parameters. See the Object Layer Node section for more details.
Quad Size - Determines the size of the light source when Quad is selected as the light type.
Disc Size - Determines the size of the light source when Disk is selected as the light type.
Sphere Radius - Determines the radius of the light source when Sphere is selected as the light type.
Tube Cap Radius - Determines the radius of the light source when Tube is selected as the light type.
Tube Length - Determines the length of the light source when Tube is selected as the light type.