Ridged fractal texture
The Ridged Fractal node produces a fractal pattern in grayscale format. In Figure 2, the Ridged Fractal node connects to a Diffuse material's Diffuse pin. Note that the UVW transform scale values (S.X, S.Y, S.Z) are lowered a lot for the pattern to emerge on the surface.
Figure 2: Ridged fractal texture Node
Figure 2: A Ridged Fractal texture is connected to a Diffuse material
- Power - Controls the texture's overall brightness.
- Ridge Height - This specifies the height of the elevated parts of the fractal pattern.
Figure 3: Ridge Height examples
- Octaves - Controls the amount of detail in the texture.
- Omega - This specifies the difference per interval.
Figure 4: Omega setting examples
- Lacunarity - Controls the size of the gaps in the fractal pattern.
- UVW Transform - Controls the texture's position, scale, and rotation on the surface.
- Projection - Determines how the texture projects onto the surface.