The Layered Material node (figure 1) constructs complex Materials that consist of a base layer and up to eight Material Layers using the layer nodes found in the Octane Layers category. You can create complex materials in a physically-based manner, as opposed to manually mixing Materials together.

Figure 1: Layered material Node


    • Compatibility version - The Octane version that the behavior of this node should match.
    • Add Layer - Adds a new Layer input to the end of the Node. You can add up to eight Layer inputs.
    • Remove Layer - Removes the last Layer input on the node.
    • Base Material - The material that sits below any additional Material Layers.
    • Custom AOV - Writes a mask to the specified custom AOV.
    • Custom AOV Channel - Determines whether the custom AOV is written to a specific color channel (R, G, or B) or to all the color channels.
    • Layer 1 - 8 - The Material Layer inputs.