The Metallic layer is used for highly reflective materials that have colored reflections. For more information, see the Metallic Material topic in this manual.

Metallic Layer

Figure 1: Metallic layer parameters

Metallic Layer Parameters

Specular - The layer's coating color.

BRDF Model - Determines how light reflects or refracts. See the BRDF Models topic in this manual for more information.

Roughness - The Metallic layer's roughness.

Anisotropy - The Metallic layer's anisotropy. A value of -1 is horizontal, while 1 is vertical. A value of 0 is Isotropic.

Rotation - The Metallic Anisotropic reflection's rotation.

Spread - Determines the tail spread of the specular BSDF.

Metallic Reflection Mode - This changes how OctaneRender® calculates reflectivity.

    • Artistic - Uses the Metallic color.
    • IOR + Color - Uses the Metallic color and adjusts the brightness using the IOR.
    • RGB IOR - Uses the three IOR values (for 650 nm, 550 nm, and 450 nm) and ignores the Metallic color.

Index Of Refraction - Complex-valued Index Of Refraction controlling the Metallic reflection's Fresnel effect, where n = the refractive index, and k = the extinction coefficient.

Allow Caustics - If enabled, the photon tracing kernel will create caustics for light reflecting or transmitting through the object.

Film Width - Sets the film coating's thickness.

Film IOR - This sets the film coating's Index Of Refraction.

Bump - Simulates a relief using a Greyscale texture interpreted as a Height map for the layer.

Bump Height - Determines the height represented by a normalized value of 1.0 in the bump texture. A vaule of 0 disables the bump map and a negative value will invert the bump map.

Normal - Distorts the layer normals using an RGB image.

Layer Opacity - Controls the layer's opacity with a Greyscale texture.