Add Glare
The Add Glare Output AOV node can be used to add a glare around light sources in a composite node tree (figure 1).
Add Glare |
Figure 1: The Add Glare Output AOV node used to add a glare effect to a composite node tree
Add Glare Parameters
Enabled - Determines whether the effect is active or not.
Strength - The amount of glare to apply. 0% means no glare and 100% means the maximum glare possible given the spread start and spread end values.
Ray Count - Determines the number of glare rays to add. The angle of the rays are evenly spaced around a half circle.
Angle - The angle of the first glare ray in degrees clockwise from horizontal.
Angle Blur - The width of the range of angles covered by each glare ray in degrees.
Spread Start - The minimum blur radius, as a proportion of image width or height (whichever is larger).
Spread End - The maximum blur radius, as a proportion of image width or height (whichever is larger).
Colorize Strength - The strength with which to apply a rainbow-style color effect to the glare.
Colorize Phase - Controls the hue of the colorize effect.