The Random Color Texture generates a random float value based which can be used to create color variations on instances of geometry. It's a simpler version of Instance Color texture. The Random Color Texture has a single parameter which is the Random seed value. Changing this value shifts the random output of the texture.

How to Use

Colored Cubes using Octane Scatter

Open the Node editor and prepare the setup as you see in the image below. In this scene, Random Color and Gradient nodes are connected to the Diffuse channel of the material. Gradient node is used because "Random Color" node has no color definition by default. There are number of cubes using Octane Scatter Object and Random Effector in the scene.

Random Grayscale Cubes with C4D Cloner

In the image below, the Random Color Texture is applied to Cinema 4D Cloner using cubes without a Gradient Node. The difference is that the "render instance" option of the Cloner objects is turned on. Since each Cloner instance is a random float, it becomes applicable. If the Cloner's "render instance" option is disabled for this use, the Random Texture will not function.

Random Grayscale Values using Object's Instance

In the picture below, seven different instances of a cube object were created using Cinema 4D's Instance option and all were grouped by ALT + G shortcut (Option + G on the Mac). Then, a random color setup material was assigned to the main group. You can also add random colors to these cubes by adding a gradient node to the node setup.