The Projection node is for adjusting the UV mapping coordinates of the texture, and is often used with the "Transform" node. When the Octane projection node is used the Cinema 4D projection will be ignored.
Open the Node Editor and prepare the setup as you see in the image below. As you can see, the "Transform" and "Projection" nodes are connected to the Checks node after the "Checks texture" The node is assigned to the diffuse channel of the material. "Spherical" was used because our object is a sphere. Colors were created using the "Gradient Texture" node, since Checks texture does not have a default color parameter. You can find a detailed description of the other nodes used in this example in the relevant sections following.
Projection Settings
Texture Projection
This menu contains the various texture projection types available in OctaneRender. Pick the projection type that best matches the topology of the mesh:
Box projection provides a quick way to map a texture on any object without too much distortion, however the seams between the projection planes of the box may be visible in the render depending on the shape of the surface.
Cylindrical projection wraps texture maps on a surface with a cylindrical shape. Cylindrical projection provides a quick way to map a texture on roughly cylindrical shaped surfaces without too much distortion, however the seams of the texture may be visible in the render depending on the shape of the surface.
Mesh UV
The Mesh UV projection node uses the mesh's UV coordinates to map the texture to the surface, if present. This is the default behavior for all textures, so in many cases its unnecessary to use a projection node when mapping a texture based on the mesh's UVs. The UV set is reserved for future updates.
Perspective mapping takes the world space coordinates and divides the X and Y coordinates by the Z coordinate. This can be a useful way to model a projector (using a texture with this projection as the distribution, with black border mode). It can also be used for camera mapping. We will explain this usage in the "Usage Samples" at the end of the page.
The Spherical projection performs latitude-longitude mapping for the U and V coordinates. You can also use this projection for environment textures and IES Light distributions. We will explain this usage in the "Usage Samples" at the end of the page.
The Triplanar Projection is used in conjunction with a Triplanar Texture Node. It will project images in the direction of the main X, Y or Z axes, allowing you to feather the blend between each projection axis. A single image or separate images for each axis, positive and negative, can be used. More here.
XYZ to UVW is also known as Planar or Flat mapping. This mapping type takes the coordinates in world or object space and use them as UVW coordinates.
Color to UVW
Color to UVW is used to transform the coordinates from one of the other projection nodes using texture operators. That is, a projection is converted into a texture using UV coordinate, then transformed using texture operations, and converted back to a projection using Color to UVW.
One simple example would be displacing textures in UV space using another procedural texture, such as the image above, where the main texture is an image map and an Octane Noise is displacing the UVW space when the material is applied to the mesh object.
Distorted Mesh UV
This projection type will distort the UVs of the mesh by the input textures connected to the input pins described below:
- Translation — Input texture modifies the UV translation, given the values in the texture. Results are attenuated via the Translation range.x and Translation range.y values
- Scale — Input texture modifies the UV scale, given the values in the texture. Results are attenuated via the Scale range.x and Scale range.y values
- Rotation — Input texture modifies the UV rotation, given the values in the texture. Results are attenuated via the Rotation range.x and Rotation range.y values
A value slider is used if an input texture is not provided. The value slider will offer basic results, whereas input textures, such as noise, will produce more sophisticated distortions, as seen above.
This projection type will correctly apply Matcap textures onto surfaces. Just wire the Image Texture node containing the Matcap texture into the desired channel, and choose "Matcap" for the projection type.
Sample POS. to UV
This projection type converts the screen space position of the current sample to the UVW coordinate — this is not the same as screen space projection, which maps the sample ps position in world space into screen space.
From here you can set which projection coordinate system the texture will use — "Object Space" and "World Space". Object Space is based on the local coordinates of the object in the scene. World Space is based on scene coordinates. In texture creation, both are often used according to purpose.
External Transform
This option enables the use of a separate object in the scene as a texture transform. The best result will appear when "World Space" is selected in the Position option. We will explain this option in more detail in the "Usage Samples" section.
Internal Transform
Depending on the type of projection chosen, texture transforms can be performed here. It has the same function as the "Transform" node explained earlier.
Usage Examples
The following examples can help to illustrate the different ways to use projections when applying textures to objects in a scene. There are three different methods:
- Textures applied to objects with helper objects to position the texture.
- Textures projected onto objects from cameras with perspective.
- Textures applied to environments.
Texture Projection with External Transform
Previously we mentioned that you can use any object in the scene as an external texture transform. In the following example, the Null object is used as external transform or helper object. Any transform operation with the exception of scale can be used in this case.. You can download the scene from this link.
Camera Projection with Perspective Projection
This option allows the use of a camera or screen projection. You can download the scene from this link.
Using Projection in Environment Textures
When you use Octane sky object, any image source you upload, whether HDR or texture, is automatically assigned a spherical map projection. This behavior can be changed by adding a projection node to the Environment Tag. The following images show this process.