Octane Out Of Core
Out of Core textures allow for use of more textures than would fit in the graphic memory (VRAM) by keeping them in the host memory (RAM). This means that as the CPU accommodates requests to access the host memory, CPU usage will increase and any RAM occupied with out-of-core textures will not be available to other applications. The Out of Core parameters can be accessed from the Octane Out Of Core rollout in the Render window (figure 1).
Figure 1: Accessing the Out of Core settings in Render Properties.
When using Out-Of-Core textures on Render Nodes via the Octane Network Rendering Feature, enough RAM is also required for the Render Nodes. For net render Render Nodes, users can specify the out-of-core memory options during the installation of the daemon. When specifying this for the Render Nodes, the out of core memory amount should be entered in bytes, not Gbytes.