The Diffuse layer is used for dull, non-reflective materials. See the Diffuse Material topic in this manual for more information.

Diffuse Layer

Figure 1: Diffuse layer parameters


Diffuse Layer Parameters

Diffuse - The layer's diffuse color.

Transmission - The layer's transmission color. This can be used for thin translucent objects.

BRDF Model - Determines how light reflects or refracts. See the BRDF Models topic in this manual for more information.

Roughness - The Diffuse layer's roughness. High values simulate very rough surfaces like sandpaper or clay.

Bump - Simulates a relief, using a Greyscale texture interpreted as a Height map for the layer.

Bump Height - Determines the height represented by a normalized value of 1.0 in the bump texture. A vaule of 0 disables the bump map and a negative value will invert the bump map.

Normal - Distorts layer normals using an RGB image.

Layer Opacity - Controls the layer opacity with a Greyscale texture.