Install OctaneRender Plugin for Cinema 4D
Step 1: Log in to your Otoy account and navigate to "Downloads" section. From here you can download the latest edition of the c4doctane plugin (see the image below). You can also get the latest edition of the plugin from here.
Step 2: After downloading the archive file, extract the content to the directories listed below. You may need to create the "plugins" directory yourself with newer installations of Cinema 4D.
C: > Program Files > Maxon Cinema 4D [version] > plugins > c4doctane
%appdata% > MAXON > Maxon Cinema 4D_ABCD1234 > plugins > c4doctane
IMPORTANT! Make sure that you install the plugin ONLY in either of these two locations — DO NOT PUT THE PLUGIN IN BOTH LOCATIONS! Any other location will prevent Cinema 4D from functioning. |
install c4doctane plugin |
Step 3: In C4Doctane folder you will see different versions of the plugin. Keep ONLY the version that corresponds to your Cinema 4D version and REMOVE the others. Make sure that Cinema 4D is not running in the background when you install the plugin.
c4doctane plugin installation |