Settings to define how the object will handle SubDivision. 

Figure 1: Open SubDivison Parameters


    • Enable - Activate OpenSubDiv
    • Scheme - Select one of the OpenSubdiv subdivision scheme classes, which provides the methods for computing the various sets of weights used to compute new vertices resulting from subdivision.
      • Catmull-Clark - A uniform refinement is applied to the Mesh faces. It subdivides the Mesh by the same amount.
      • Loop - Subdivision scheme for triangular meshes, where each recursively defined subdivision surface divides into smaller ones.
      • Bilinear - Subdivision scheme where the limit surface goes through the existing vertices, resulting in softened edges but no drastic changes in shape.
    • Subd Level - Allows subdivision surface refinement based on Pixar’s OpenSubDiv implementation. Controls the number of times OctaneRender subdivides the original version of the Mesh.
    • Sharpness - Controls the Sharpness values for the crease at and around a vertex. Crease sharpness values range from 0 (smooth) to 10 (infinitely sharp).