This node functions the same as the Cycles equivalent. The information provided has been extracted from the Blender manual. 

The Math Node performs math operations.

Figure 1: Octane CyclesNodeMathNode Wrapper Node


    • Type - The mathematical operator to be applied to the input values:


      • Add - The sum of the two values.
      • Subtract - The difference between the two values.
      • Multiply - The product of the two values.
      • Divide - The division of the first value by the second value.
      • Multiply Add - The sum of the product of the two values with Addend.
      • Power - The Base raised to the power of Exponent.
      • Logarithm - The log of the value with a Base as its base.
      • Square Root - The square root of the value.
      • Inverse Square Root - One divided by the square root of the value.
      • Absolute - The input value is read without regard to its sign. This turns negative values into positive values.
      • Exponent - Raises Euler’s number to the power of the value.


      • Minimum - Outputs the smallest of the input values.
      • Maximum - Outputs the largest of two input values.
      • Less Than - Outputs 1.0 if the first value is smaller than the second value. Otherwise the output is 0.0.
      • Greater Than - Outputs 1.0 if the first value is larger than the second value. Otherwise the output is 0.0.
      • Sign - Extracts the sign of the input value. All positive numbers will output 1.0. All negative numbers will output -1.0. And 0.0 will output 0.0.
      • Compare - Outputs 1.0 if the difference between the two input values is less than or equal to Epsilon.
      • Smooth Minimum - Smooth Minimum.
      • Smooth Maximum - Smooth Maximum.


      • Round - Rounds the input value to the nearest integer.
      • Floor - Rounds the input value down to the nearest integer.
      • Ceil - Rounds the input value up to the nearest integer.
      • Truncate - Outputs the integer part of the value.
      • Fraction - Returns the fractional part of the value.
      • Truncated Modulo - Outputs the remainder once the first value is divided by the second value.
      • Floored Modulo - Returns the positive remainder of a division operation.
      • Wrap - Outputs a value between Min and Max based on the absolute difference between the input value and the nearest integer multiple of Max less than the value.
      • Snap - Rounds the input value down to the nearest integer multiple of Increment.
      • Ping-pong - Bounces back and forth between 0.0 and the Scale as the input value increases.


      • Sine - The Sine of the input value.
      • Cosine - The Cosine of the input value.
      • Tangent - The Tangent of the input value.
      • Arcsine - The Arcsine of the input value.
      • Arccosine - The Arccosine of the input value.
      • Arctangent - The Arctangent of the input value.
      • Arctan2 - Outputs the Inverse Tangent of the first value divided by the second value measured in radians.
      • Hyperbolic Sine - The Hyperbolic Sine of the input value.
      • Hyperbolic Cosine - The Hyperbolic Cosine of the input value.
      • Hyperbolic Tangent - The Hyperbolic Tangent of the input value.


      • To Radians - Converts the input from degrees to radians.
      • To Degrees - Converts the input from radians to degrees.

    • Clamp - Limits the output to the range (0.0 to 1.0).
    • Value# - The inputs of the node are dynamic. Some inputs are only available for certain operations. For instance, the Addend input is only available for the Multiply Add operator.