Object Layer
The Object Layer provide parameters to control both the objects and the shadows it casts on other geometry. Additionally, this provides a way to modify the object visibility in the Viewport at render time.
Figure 1: Object layer parameters
- Render Layer ID - This specifies the layer to place the object on. The value provided assigns the object to the corresponding render layer. This is the first render layer by default.
- General Visibility - This controls the level of visibility for both the object and its shadow.
- Camera Visibility - Takes a boolean value to specify if the object is visible to the camera. This is enabled by default.
- Shadow Visibility - Takes a boolean value to specify whether the shadow cast by the object is visible to the camera. This is enabled by default.
- Dirt Visibility - If enabled, the mesh will affect other meshes that are using a Dirt texture. If disbaled, any Dirt texture node will ignore that mesh.
- Curvature Visibility - If enabled, the Curvature node affecting the geometry will be visible.
- Round Edges Visibility - If enabled, the Round Edges node affecting the geometry will be visible.
- Light Pass Mask - Determines which light pass IDs will contribute to the illumination of the object for which this node is attached.
- Random Color Seed - Specifies the start point to initialize the color after which random colors are generated. This is 0 by default when random colors are not in use.
- Color - The color used for the assigned object when it is rendered in the object render layer pass.
- Custom AOV - Writes a mask to the corresponding Custom AOV present in or attached to the Render Target node.
- Custom AOV Channel - Determines which channels will receive the custom AOV mask.