Light IDs
OctaneRender® has 20 Light IDs, and you can also choose whether to enable the sun and environment separately. Light IDs are set in the Kernel (Figure 4), Object Properties (Figure 5), or as a node in one of the Octane Node Editor Types (Figure 6).
To get started, you can assign the Light Pass ID for individual or multiple light emission sources from the Shader Editor. For light objects, you need to first activate the node from the light's Object Data Properties. Light IDs node cannot be used to assign the source light emitter an ID.
Figure 1: Assigning an ID to the light emission sources.
Given a base scene with a number of emitters (Figure 2).
Figure 2: A basic scene with a number of emitters
Figure 3: You can suppress the highlight of the emitter on selected spheres, while keeping the ground lighting and shadows resulting from the extra emitter
Light linking and light exclusion settings are found under Render Properties -> Octane Kernel.
Figure 4: Octane Kernel render settings for Light IDs
Light Linking And Light Exclusion Parameters
- Light ID Action - Action to take on selected Light IDs.
- Light IDs - Light ID specified.
- Light Linking Invert - These are used by the light linking and light exclusion features for Emitter nodes. You can enable or disable Light IDs globally in the Kernel Settings. The Light Linking Invert option inverts the light linking behavior for selected light IDs.
Figure 5: Object Properties render settings for Light IDs.
Figure 6: Node Light IDs settings for supported Editor Types.
- Light IDs - Selectable Light ID values.