PBR Viewport Window


The PBR Viewport window is where OctaneRender® renders a Unity® scene (Figure 1). The PBR Viewport requires a PBR Render Target asset in the scene. This is covered in more detail in the PBR Render Target section.


Figure 1: The PBR Viewport window accessed from the Octane menu


You can access the PBR Viewport either from the Octane menu (Figure 2), or by clicking on the PBR Render Target, then clicking on the Render button in the Inspector window (Figure 3).


Figure 2: Accessing the PBR Viewport via the Octane menu



Figure 3: Accessing the PBR Viewport via the Inspector window


The PBR Viewport constantly updates the render, and it displays the render's progress. If you enable OctaneRender Render Layers and Render Passes, you can view each pass in this window. Otherwise, this window shows only the beauty/main pass by default (Figure 4).


Figure 4: The Main/Beauty pass is rendered by default in the PBR Viewport


The PBR Viewport contains a row of buttons along the top of the window that consists of useful viewport-specific tools (Figure 5).


Figure 5: PBR Viewport toolset


The bottom of the PBR Viewport also displays useful information related to the current render progress (Figure 6) and the GPU status (Figure 7).

Figure 6: Render progress status displayed in the PBR Viewport window


Figure 7: GPU status displayed in the PBR Viewport window