1. Windows becomes unresponsive when rendering large scenes

This is due to using the same card for Octane rendering and for your Windows display adapter. It is highly recommend to have a separate card as your Windows display adapter (your on-board graphics card for example).

If you are using one card, set the GPU Settings.

For reference, Otoy have recommended registry settings that you should use:

In cases of the Windows Vista/7 “Timeout Detection and Recovery” http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library … 87368.aspx. Settings can be changed using Regedit. The recommended setting for Octane are registry setting HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers, TdrLevel = 3, TdrDelay =10 (if these settings are not already there, rightclick the right panel -> New -> DWORD). You will need to reboot after changing these settings.

  1. If I get 2 graphics cards, do I double the memory available?

No, the memory available will be the memory capacity of the smallest card in your system. If you have a 1Gb and a 2Gb card, and need over 1Gb of memory for your scene, turn off the 1Gb card in the Cuda Devices tab of the plugin.

  1. Cuda Error : CUDA error 702, or “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered”

These messages occur if Octane blocks your video card for more than the Windows timeout. By default Windows has a 2 second timeout, however the recommended timeout for Octane is 10 seconds. Installing Octane 1.20 should set the timeout to 10 seconds, however if this has not happened you can manual adjust the timeout by adding the following 2 registry settings.

WriteRegDWORD HKLM “SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers” TdrLevel 3

WriteRegDWORD HKLM “SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers” TdrDelay 10

Refer to this MSDN document for more details.