Toon shading is a non-photorealistic way of depicting lighting effects. While it still shows lighting effects, it does so in a simpler way, often with large areas of flat shaded color. In OctaneRender®, toon shading is controlled by Toon materials and light sources. Toon rendering in OctaneRender consists of two parts: a diffuse part, and a glossy highlight. The amount of detail in the shading is controlled using a Toon Ramp (Figure 2).

Diffuse and Glossy

Figure 1: Toon rendering consists of a diffuse part and a glossy highlight

Toon Ramp

Figure 2: The amount of detail in the shading is controlled with a Toon Ramp

The Toon Material and Toon Ramp can be accessd in hte Node Graph Editor window under the Materials category (figure 3).

Toon Nodes

Figure 3: Accessinng the Toon Material and Toon Ramp


Toon shading uses its own light sources, independent from any Mesh emitters in the scene. This is done because with area lights you can never render sharp boundaries between different colors in the toon shader. Toon lights are not visible in the rendered image. There are two kinds of toon lights: Toon Point light (Figure 4), and Toon Directional light (Figure 5).

Toon Point Light

Figure 4: Point lights behave similar to small mesh lights

Toon Directional Light

Figure 5: Directional lights behave similar to sunlight

Node Graph

Figure 6: Basic Nodegraph showing the connections of Toon nodes used for Toon rendering


To control shadow color and brightness, go to Kernel Settings and use the Toon Shadowing pin.