Octane includes a built-in AI up-sampler in Octane Imager. The AI up-sampler works similar to the AI denoiser, with a progressive and a one-stop up-sampling mode. You can specify multiple sampling modes (2x2, 4x4) up-sampling for your rendered image, and the AI up-sampling would automatically render at a lower resolution in less time and up-scale to the resolution you specified.

Below are some comparisons of the same scene rendered with different AI Up-Sampling settings:

Kernel: PathTracing
AI Up-Sampling: Off
Resolution: 1920x1080
Samples: 4000
Render Time: 13mins 44 seconds

  • Kernel: PathTracing
    AI Up-Sampling: On
    AI Up-Sampling Mode: On completion | 2x2
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Samples: 4000
    Render Time: 3 mins 49 seconds

  • Kernel: PathTracing
    AI Up-Sampling: On
    AI Up-Sampling Mode: Progressive | 2x2
    Resolution: 1920x1080
    Samples: 4000
    Render Time: 4 mins 31 seconds