HTTP Proxy Support


If you run OctaneRender® behind a proxy, OctaneRender tries to find and use your current proxy setup. Workarounds to bypass the proxy settings are invalid.

If you are trying to set up your proxy for the first time, or your proxy requires authentication, you may configure it by using your operating system proxy settings or environment variables.


Proxy Server Configuration Via System Settings

This option lets OctaneRender retrieve your system settings. The configuration depends on your host operating system.



OctaneRender obtains its proxy configuration several ways.

From Internet Explorer's LAN Settings

This configuration applies only to the current user. To change IE proxy settings:

  1. Press the Win+R keys.
  2. Enter inetcpl.cpl, 4 and click OK. You will see the Internet Properties window displays.
  3. Click LAN Settings.
  4. Select the Use A Proxy ServerA Proxy Server, also known as an application-level gateway, is an intermediary server between the local network and the external servers from which a client is requesting a service. The external servers will only see the network proxy server's IP address thus providing some degree of security and privacy. There are various kinds of proxies, the most common are Web Proxies. For Your LAN checkbox.
  5. In the Address box, enter the proxy server's IP address.
  6. In the Port box, enter the port number.

If you have a dedicated proxy for HTTPS traffic, click on Advanced, then clear the Use The Same ProxyAn object saved as a separate file with the purpose of being reused in larger scenes. This is used to minimize any addition to the total polygon count in the scene, especially if the scene requires the same object to appear several times. If used in conjunction with instancing, Proxies help keep very large scenes from reaching polygon limits and also keeps the relative file size of the main project file manageable. For All Protocols checkbox, then specify the proxy address and port for the Secure server type.

From The WinHTTP Configuration

This configuration is system-wide and stored in the registry. You can manage this using netsh winhttp. For more information, please check Windows HTTP documentation from Microsoft®. The proxy exceptions list is ignored.



OctaneRender reads the proxy settings stored in System Preferences. To change your proxy settings:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click Network.
  3. Click Advanced ...
  4. Click on the Proxies tab.
  5. You may choose to enable either Web proxy (HTTP) or Secure web proxy (HTTPS), depending on your proxy type.
  6. In the Web Proxy Server section, enter your server's IP address and port number.

Bypassing proxy settings is not used by OctaneRender.

If you don't specify port numbers, the ports default to 80 if using HTTP, and 443 if using HTTPS.

Macintosh® systems don't support the proxy authentication through proxy settings. If your proxy requires a username and password, refer to the following section about proxy configuration via environment variables.



The proxy settings can vary between distributions, so proxy configuration on Linux is just supported via environment variables.

OctaneRender supports the following proxy environment variables:

These environment variables are often used for specifying proxy configuration, specially on Linux. This may affect other applications that also use these variables.

If one of these variables are found, this will override your system's proxy preferences, even if there's a configured proxy.

Note: Environment variables are case-sensitive, even on Windows®, for security reasons.

The accepted syntax for proxy environment variables is [protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port]

For example, you may specify a proxy for HTTPS network traffic as https_proxy=johndoe:[email protected]. This tells OctaneRender® to use as your proxy's address using the default port 80, and authenticate as user johndoe with password mypass.