Texture Environment


The Texture environment affects the environment's illumination and color. You can use it to add an HDRI environment texture to a scene for illumination. You can access the Texture environment in the Inspector window of the PBR Render Target, under the Environment rollout (Figure 1).


Figure 1: PBR Render Target’s Environment rollout


When you select Texture as the Environment type for the first time, it uses the Default Skybox from Unity® as its Skybox MaterialThe representation of the surface or volume properties of an object. (Figure 2). 



Figure 2: The Default Skybox used for the Texture environment’s Skybox Material


To access to the Texture parameter, remove the Default Skybox as the Skybox Material (Figure 3).


Figure 3: Removing the Default Skybox to access the Texture parameter


Once active, the Texture parameter accepts a color (RGB), a value (Grayscale), or a Texture map.


Other Texture Environment Parameters