The Toon Ramp controls the amount of detail in toon shading. It provides the positions for mapping a range of colors to the Toon material’s DiffuseAmount of diffusion, or the reflection of light photons at different angles from an uneven or granular surface. Used for dull, non-reflecting materials or mesh emitters. channel or SpecularAmount of specular reflection, or the mirror-like reflection of light photons at the same angle. Used for transparent materials such as glass and water. channel, and the resulting color range is based on the hue set by that respective channel. You can add more positions to increase the number of colors in the range. The Toon Ramp is applied to the Toon Diffuse Ramp or Toon Specular Ramp of a Toon material node. The Toon Ramp can be accessed from the MaterialsA set of attributes or parameters that describe surface characteristics. category in the Nodegraph Editor (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Creating a Toon Ramp
Figure 2: Example of a Toon Ramp
Figure 3: The Toon Ramp from Figure 1 is applied to a Toon Ramp node's Toon Diffuse Ramp
Figure 4: The resulting range of the albedo value with a Toon Ramp applied
Interpolation - This determines how the colors blend.
Figure 4: Constant Interpolation
Figure 5: Linear Interpolation
Figure 6: Cubic Interpolation
Start Value - The output value at the 0 position.
End Value - The output value at the 1.0 position.
Position 1 - A position that sets the boundary between the Start Value and the End Value.
Value 1 - The output value at position 1.