OBJ Import Preferences


You can manage OBJ Preferences by clicking on File > Preferences > Geometry Import > OBJ.


Figure 1: OBJ import preferences


OBJ Import Preferences

Length Unit - Selects the unit of measurement used in the geometry. The default unit is in Meters.

Object Layers - Controls how OctaneRender® creates Object layer pins on the Mesh node to control the discrete objects.

Load Vertex Normals - Sets preferences related to geometry object smoothing, including the option to load the vertex normals supplied by the geometry file.

Maximum Smoothing Angle - This sets the smoothing angle for calculating normals. A value of 0 uses the normals in the OBJ file, and any value other than 0 uses that given smoothing angle set in OctaneRender to calculate normals for the imported Meshes. If OctaneRender has to calculate vertex normals, set the maximum smoothing angle to 89 so it does not smooth straight angles.

Merge Unwelded Vertices - Smoothing and rounded edges requires watertight closed polygons and edges shared between surfaces. This option closes polygons that are not watertight. Mesh optimization may not be appropriate in all cases, so this option is off by default.




Vertex Data

Face-Varying Data

Face-varying data like UVs and color sets are used when OctaneRender requires discontinuities in the data over the surface - often the seams between disjoint UV regions. Face-varying data can follow the same interpolation behavior as vertex data, or it can be constrained to interpolate linearly around selective features from corners, boundaries, or the entire Mesh interior.


Note: To have these changes take effect, you need to delete the Mesh node, change the settings in the Geometry Import > Wavefront OBJ tab, and then import the Mesh again.