Issue 6. Navigating The Viewport Is Slow/UI Is Unresponsive



Known issue with display refresh timeout on Windows®.


This can be attributed to a function that is included in some operating systems that shut down any program after the OS loses communication with the GPUThe GPU is responsible for displaying graphical elements on a computer display. The GPU plays a key role in the Octane rendering process as the CUDA cores are utilized during the rendering process.. Since higher resolutions and Path Tracing both can take long periods of time to render a single frame, the OS loses contact with the GPU and shuts down OctaneRender®.

This can be resolved one of two ways:

  • Purchase a second GPU, dedicating one to OctaneRender® and one to the OS.
  • Adjust the timeout values specific to the OS. As this often involves adjusting critical OS files, we don't recommend or supported doing this. For Microsoft® Windows® systems, more information can be read here.




Render card has insufficient performance.


We suggest purchasing a more powerful GPU to get the most out of OctaneRender®. For benchmarks on how GPUs perform with OctaneRender®, check the OctaneBench® scores here:




Navigating is slow. Is there anything else I can do?


To increase navigation speed in OctaneRender®, you can:

  • Use the Shift key while rotating, moving, or translating the Render Viewport.
  • Use the Sub-Sampling settings (3 checkerboard icons in the Viewport).
  • Reduce the Viewport's render resolution while setting up materials, lights, and camera.