The Scene Outliner allows the user to view the current project in an outline format. This allows quick access to any of the parameters and nodes of the scene. Selecting a parameter in the Outliner brings that node to focus in the Node Inspector. The Scene Outliner also has context menus allowing to copy, paste, and fill empty node pins.
The tabs in the Scene Outliner also allow the user to view the Local and Live Databases that can house any macro that is created.
The Live Database (“Live DB” tab) allows instantaneous access to any macro that is uploaded from the entire Octane community. This allows the user to save a new material to the database where it will be accessible by every Octane user.
The Local Database (“Local DB” tab) can be found next to the LiveDB tab and users can set the root directory in the application preferences to allow some simple asset management in Octane Standalone. Users can create packages of nodes, node graphs, and node trees, and save them to a local drive along with thumbnails for easy identification.
The views in any of the tabs in the Scene Outliner may be automatically collapsed or uncollapsed via these icons:
Refresh button which allows quick updating of the local DB content: