Launching Octane from the Command Line


OctaneRender supports passing command line parameters to utilize scripting or other automated tasks.

The following is an example of the workflow for working with OctaneRender® from the Command Line. To utilize the command line options, you must do the following:

  1. Save the scene to an OCS file.  You must know the full path to this scene.
  2. Example: C:\Temp\OctaneTest.ocs

  3. Remember the name of the mesh node that you want to render. This typically is the node for the imported OBJ.
  4. Example "OctaneTest.obj"

  5. If the scene geometry has changed and needs to be reloaded, note the full path
  6. Example: C:\Temp\NewGeom.obj

  7. Octane can then be launched from the command line using the following syntax



For OctaneRender v2.21 and later builds, the octane-cli.exe is a separate executable file specifically added for the Windows platform to launch OctaneRender™ as a command line application.

For Windows, the octane-cli.exe executable will behave more like a command line application: it will always block until Octane has finished. Output to standard out is displayed in the terminal and can be piped into a file or an other program. It also supports terminating with ctrl-C.



[--net-test] [-a ] ... [--script ] [--benchmark] [--dpi ] [--no-opengl] [-t ] [-m] [-R ] ... [-r ] [-l] [-n ] [--imager-exposure ] [--daylight-sundir-z ] [--daylight-sundir-y ] [--daylight-sundir-x ] [--cam-lensshift-right ] [--cam-lensshift-up ] [--cam-aperture ] [--cam-focaldepth ] [--cam-scale ] [--cam-fov] [--cam-motion-up-z ] [--cam-motion-up-y ] [--cam-motion-up-x ] [--cam-motion-target-z ] [--cam-motion-target-y ] [--cam-motion-target-x ] [--cam-motion-pos-z ] [--cam-motion-pos-y ] [--cam-motion-pos-x ] [--cam-up-z ] [--cam-up-y] [--cam-up-x ] [--cam-target-z ] [--cam-target-y ] [--cam-target-x ] [--cam-pos-z] [--cam-pos-y ] [--cam-pos-x ]
[--stop-after-script] [--no-gui] [-q] [-g ] ... [-s ][--output-exr-tm ] [--output-exr ] [--output-png16 ] [-o ] [--film-height] [--film-width ] [-e] [--] [--version] [-h]




Test the local network and closes Octane afterwards.


-a <string>,  --script-arg <string>  (accepted multiple times)

Argument passed to the script. Every instance of this argument will be one element in the arg table.


--script <string>

Filename of the script to execute.



Run the benchmark suite.


--dpi <dpi>

Override the desktop dpi setting.



Force software display.


-t <node name>,  --target-node <node name>

Name of the render target node to render.


-m <string>,  --mesh-node <string>

Name of the mesh node to render.


-R <node name=filename>,  --relink <node name=filename>  (accepted multiple times)

Override the file name attribute in the node with the given node name (can occur multiple times).


-r <filename>,  --relink-meshnode <filename>

Load the given OBJ mesh file into the mesh node given with --mesh-node.


-l <filename>,  --link-meshnode <filename>

Create a new mesh node from the given OBJ mesh file.


-n <filename>,  --new <filename>

Create a new OCS project file from given command line arguments.


--imager-exposure <float>

Imager Exposure Amount.


--daylight-sundir-z <float>

Daylight Sun Direction Vector Z Component.


--daylight-sundir-y <float>

Daylight Sun Direction Vector Y Component.


--daylight-sundir-x <float>

Daylight Sun Direction Vector X Component.


--cam-lensshift-right <float>

Lens Shift Right.


--cam-lensshift-up <float>

Lens Shift Up.


--cam-aperture <float>

Camera ApertureDetermines how much light enters a camera lens. A large aperture produces a narrow depth of field and a small aperture produces a wide depth of field. Radius.


--cam-focaldepth <float>

Camera Focal Depth.


--cam-scale <float>

Orthographic Camera Horizontal Scale.


--cam-fov <float>

Camera Horizontal FOVThe area that is visible to a camera lens usually measured in millimeters. A wide angle lens provides a larger field of view and a telephoto lens provides a narrow field of view. (degrees).


--cam-motion-up-z <float>

Camera Up Motion 2nd Vector Z Component.


--cam-motion-up-y <float>

Camera Up Motion 2nd Vector Y Component.


--cam-motion-up-x <float>

Camera Up Motion 2nd Vector X Component.


--cam-motion-target-z <float>

Camera Target Motion 2nd Position Z Component.


--cam-motion-target-y <float>

Camera Target Motion 2nd Position Y Component.


--cam-motion-target-x <float>

Camera Target Motion 2nd Position X Component.


--cam-motion-pos-z <float>

Camera Motion 2nd Position Z Component.


--cam-motion-pos-y <float>

Camera Motion 2nd Position Y Component.


--cam-motion-pos-x <float>

Camera Motion 2nd Position X Component.


--cam-up-z <float>

Camera Up Vector Z Component.


--cam-up-y <float>

Camera Up Vector Y Component.


--cam-up-x <float>

Camera Up Vector X Component.


--cam-target-z <float>

Camera Target Position Z Component.


--cam-target-y <float>

Camera Target Position Y Component.


--cam-target-x <float>

Camera Target Position X Component.


--cam-pos-z <float>

Camera Position Z Component.


--cam-pos-y <float>

Camera Position Y Component.


--cam-pos-x <float>

Camera Position X Component.



Stops Octane after the specified script has finished - this is implicitly enabled, if --no-gui is set.



Disables the creation of a user interface if a script file is specified.



Start Application without splash and minimized window.


-g <int>,  --gpu <int>  (accepted multiple times)

Add GPUThe GPU is responsible for displaying graphical elements on a computer display. The GPU plays a key role in the Octane rendering process as the CUDA cores are utilized during the rendering process. device to use for rendering (0 = first).


-s <int>,  --samples <int>

Maximum number of samples per pixel (maxsamples).


--output-exr-tm <filename>

Output tonemapped EXRAlso known as OpenEXR. This image file format was developed by Industrial Light & Magic and provides a High Dynamic Range image capable of storing deep image data on a frame-by-frame basis. image file when maxsamples is reached.


--output-exr <filename>

Output EXR image file when maxsamples is reached.


--output-png16 <filename>

Output 16-bit PNG image file when maxsamples is reached.


-o <filename>,  --output-png <filename>

Output PNG image file when maxsamples is reached.


--film-height <int>

Film height.


--film-width <int>

Film width.


-e,  --exit

Close the application when rendering is done.


--,  --ignore_rest

Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.



Displays version information and exits.


-h,  --help

Displays usage information and exits.



.OCS Project scene file.


For example, to open a file (C:\Temp\OctaneTest.ocs), relink the geometry (C:\Temp\NewGeometry.obj), select the meshnode (OctaneTest.obj) and render the frame for 1000 samples per pixel, save the render and exit:

octane  –e  –r  C:\Temp\NewGeometry.obj  –m  OctaneTest.obj  –s  1000  –o  C:\temp\test.png   C:\Temp\OctaneTest.ocs

Another example, to open an Octane .orbx packaged file (C:\Geronimo\Blender\bullet1.orbx), select the meshnode (bullet1.obj) and render the frame until 800 samples per pixel, save the rendered image to a specific directory and with filename cmd_rendered_bullet1.png and then exit after the render:

octane –e –m bullet1.obj –s 800 –o C:\Geronimo\Blender\cmd_rendered_bullet1.png C:\Geronimo\Blender\bullet1.orbx



Other examples:

$ octane "OctaneBenchmark/octane_benchmark for 1022 beta 2.2rc.ocs"
$ octane "some test scene.ocs"


It is also possible to adjust the size of Octane’s interface. This is useful for example, in the case of using a 4k monitor wherein the font appears as 8 point (e.g. in Linux version). For the Standalone version, users can override the UI size with a command line parameter such as below:



Why are there two sets of Camera Parameters?

The second camera control (-- cam-motion) is used to specify the camera position in the next frame. OctaneRender® will then use the current position and the next frame position to calculate motion blur between the two camera positions.