

The Gradient texture produces a gradient blend between colors. It accepts an input to determine how the gradient maps to the surface. In Figure 1, a gradient that goes from green to red connects to the DiffuseAmount of diffusion, or the reflection of light photons at different angles from an uneven or granular surface. Used for dull, non-reflecting materials or mesh emitters. channel of an OctaneRender® material. OctaneRender maps the gradient using a Falloff map, resulting in the reddish color of the gradient being more visible on the edges of the surface that face away from the camera, and the green color appearing on the parts of the surface that face the camera. Figure 2 shows the Gradient texture in the Node Inspector.

Figure 1: A Falloff map is mapping a colored gradient to a surface


Figure 2: The parameters of the Gradient texture in the Node Inspector


Gradient Parameters