3Dconnexion Space Navigator Support


OctaneRender supports camera movement with a 3D mouse on all platforms. The movement is camera-centric; movements you make will be translated to camera movements.



On Windows, no driver installation is required for it to work with OctaneRender and the installing the 3D mouse is straightforward.

These are the instructions for Linux:

  1. Install libmotif3 (or libmotif4 if that version is not available).
  2. Get 3DxWare for Linux.
  3. Install the driver, refer to the installation instructions in the package for details.
  4. Start the driver (as root).
  5. Start Octane, or if it is already running, lock and then unlock the viewport.

Should drivers be required for the 3D Mouse, the drivers may be downloaded from http://www.3dconnexion.eu/service/drivers.html.



Make sure the correct drivers for your 3D mouse are installed. On Windows and Mac, your 3D mouse should work after you plug in the 3D mouse. On Linux, you should make sure the driver is running before you start OctaneRender. If you start the driver later, lock and unlock the viewport to detect the 3D mouse.

On Windows, the settings from the 3Dconnexion control panel have no effect. You can change the speed of the movements and invert setting in the menu’s File > Preferences > Controls in OctaneRender.


Note: The speed of translation is also dependent on the distance between the camera position and target. Zoom with the mouse to change.