Script Commands

The plugin supports the following Rhino commands:


OctaneChangePinValue [pin name:pin name:….] [pin value]


This sets a single Float or Int value for any of the Rendertarget node pins. MaterialThe representation of the surface or volume properties of an object. pin values cannot be set. The pin name is as per the Octane Standalone “Pin name” in the LUA API Browser (i.e., “aperture”, “exposure”, “maxsamples”). The ‘:’ separator is used to split the parent/child pins. For example “OctaneChangePinValue camera:aperture 5”, or “OctaneChangePinValue environment:texture:gamma 1”, or “OctaneChangePinValue camera:fstop 3”.



Opens the OctaneRender Viewport and starts rendering.



Closes the OctaneRender Viewport and stops rendering.


OctaneSaveImage [filename]

Saves the Viewport to a file. The entire file path must be specified, including the drive and folder.


OctaneSaveRenderpasses [filename]

Saves a multilayer EXRAlso known as OpenEXR. This image file format was developed by Industrial Light & Magic and provides a High Dynamic Range image capable of storing deep image data on a frame-by-frame basis. containing all the render passes. The entire file path must be specified, including the drive and folder.


OctaneImportRendertarget [filename]

Same as the Settings tree rightclick option “Import Rendertarget Settings”. The entire file path must be specified, including the drive and folder.



Copies the Octane Camera settings into the Windows clipboard. You can then paste this camera into Octane Standalone.



Assign a different baking group to every geometry item in the scene which has Live Update enabled. This command will close the Viewport if it is open.


The following Rhino commands can also be used in conjunction with Octane materials:


RenderLoadMaterialFromFile: Load render material from file.

RenderRemoveUnusedMaterials: Remove unused render materials.

RenderSaveMaterialToFile: Save a specified material to a *.rmtl file.

RenderAssignMaterialToObjects: Assign a material to the select geometry objects.


More information on these commands are available from here.