

The Panoramic camera is used for rendering VRImmersively engaging and experiencing depth perception in a three dimensional scene through stereo vision goggles and head-mounted displays.-related images. There are three types of Panoramic cameras available: Spherical, Cylindrical, and various Cube Map types (+x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z).


Panoramic Camera Parameters



Choose between a Spherical or a Cylindrical camera lens to use as the panoramic projection. Full-sized faced and single-face Cube Map projections are available to render all faces or one face of the cube. This is useful for animation overlays in stereo panorama renderings.


Focal Length

The lens focal length, in millimeters.



This is the aperture to focal length ratio.


Horizontal Field of ViewThe area that is visible to a camera lens usually measured in millimeters. A wide angle lens provides a larger field of view and a telephoto lens provides a narrow field of view.

The horizontal field of view, in degrees. This sets the X-coordinate for the camera's horizontal field of view in the scene. This is ignored when cube mapping is used.


Vertical Field of View

The vertical field of view, in degrees. This sets the Y-coordinate for the camera's vertical field of view in the scene. This is ignored when cube mapping is used.


Keep Upright

The panoramic camera always orients towards the horizon, and the up-vector stays in its default vertical direction (0, 1, 0).


Near Clip Depth

The distance from the camera to the nearest clipping plane, in meters.


Far Clip Depth

The distance from the camera to the farthest clipping plane, in meters.



The camera's position in the scene in world space.



The target position where the camera points to in the scene.



This is the up direction of the camera in the scene. The default direction is in the Y-direction (0, 1, 0).



Focus is kept on the closest visible surface at the center of the image, regardless of the ApertureDetermines how much light enters a camera lens. A large aperture produces a narrow depth of field and a small aperture produces a wide depth of field., Aperture Edge, and Focal Depth values.


Focal Depth

The focal area's depth, measured in meters.



The camera lens opening's radius, measured in centimeters. Low values create a wide depth-of-field, where everything is in focus. High values create a shallow depth-of- field, where objects in the foreground and background are out of focus.


Aperture Aspect Ratio

Squashes and stretches the depth-of-field disc.


Aperture Edge

Controls aperture edge detection at all points within the aperture, and modifies the bokeh effect. Lower values produce more pronounced edges to out-of-focus objects affected by a shallow depth-of-field, such as objects in the foreground and background. High values increase the contrast.


Bokeh Side Count

The number of edges making up the bokeh shape.


Bokeh Rotation

The bokeh shape's orientation.


Bokeh Roundedness

The roundness of the bokeh shape's sides.


Stereo Output - Enables stereo mode and specifies which of the following stereo outputs to render with.


Eye Distance - The distance between the left and the right eye in stereo mode, measured in meters.


Eye Distance Falloff

This controls how fast the eye distance reduces towards the poles. This reduces eye strain at the poles when the panorama is viewed through a head-mounted display.


Pano Blackout Latitude

This is the +/- latitude where the panorama cuts off when stereo rendering is enabled. This defines the minimum latitude (in spherical camera coordinates) where the rendering blacks out above this point.


Swap Eyes

This swaps the left and right eye positions when stereo mode shows both.


Left Stereo Filter/Right Stereo Filter

The left and right filter colors that create the anaglyphic stereo effect in the render.