1. I am an experienced OctaneRender Standalone user, and would like to access the node graph in the Rhinoceros plugin

The Rhinoceros plugin does not have a node graph. Instead it uses a tree structure which enables macro type functions (copy, paste, import, export, etc) which is more efficient and much better matches the Rhinoceros workflow.

  1. Can I import a material from an OCM file exported from Octane Standalone?

Not at this stage, but it is planned.

  1. How many texturemaps can I fit in my card?

An unlimited number of texturemaps can do rendered in Octane.

  1. If I get 2 graphics cards, do I double the memory available?

No, the memory available will be the memory capacity of the smallest card in your system. If you have a 1Gb and a 2Gb card, and need over 1Gb of memory for your scene, turn off the 1Gb card in the Cuda Devices tab of the plugin.

  1. Is “InstancingInstancing an object means taking a single imported mesh object, such as an OBJ or an FBX and making multiple copies, each of which can be placed in different parts of the scene. This saves an enormous amount of computational resources because only a single object is loaded into the scene.” supported?


  1. Can texture map have their tiling disabled, be offset, or rotated?

At this stage texture map scaling is implemented, however Octane does not currently support texture map offsets or rotations, nor disabling of tiling. To use these effects in your renders, manually adjust the texture maps in your image editing program.

  1. Will the plugin work with Bongo?

Yes, it is compatible and has been tested with BongoV2.

  1. What does “Error searching for missing texturemap…You do not have read access to that folder” mean?

When a Rhino scene is loaded which has Octane materials, the plugin checks to ensure the texturemap files for each Octane RGB Image node actually exist on your hard disk. If they do not, the plugin requests the user select a search path for locating the missing texturemap. If you “Cancel” at this point, searching for missing texturemaps is aborted (and if you open the Viewport, Octane will report an error for the missing texturemap, but the Viewport will still open and the render will still start). However, if you do not Cancel, and instead specify a search path. the plugin will search all folders inside that search path for the missing file(s). If the plugin encounters a folder within the search path for which the users does not have read access to (ie. the plugin cannot read the files in that folder), the message “You do not have read access to that folder” is displayed. If you get this error, refine the search path so that it is searching a folder which you do have access to.

  1. Cuda Error : CUDA error 702, or “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered”

These messages occur if Octane blocks your video card for more than the Windows timeout. By default Windows has a 2 second timeout, however the recommended timeout for Octane is 10 seconds. Installing Octane 1.20 should set the timeout to 10 seconds, however if this has not happened you can manual adjust the timeout by adding the following 2 registry settings.

WriteRegDWORD HKLM “SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers” TdrLevel 3

WriteRegDWORD HKLM “SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlGraphicsDrivers” TdrDelay 10

Refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff569918%28v=vs.85%29.aspx for more details.

  1. How do I display the Object Id pass?

Tick the Live Geometry checkbox in the Geometry tab for each item in the scene, OR Settings->OctaneRender->Live Updating=All Meshes Live. Then each mesh will be a separate Mesh object in Octane and you can enable the Object Id pass and then select it from the Viewport render pass combo box.

  1. Octane Viewport appears in stereo when accessed via an RPD session

This occurs if the RPD session is setup to use 24bit color. To resolve this, on the RDP client, set the Display tab->Colors to “Highest Quality (32 bit)”

  1. When I open the MaterialsA set of attributes or parameters that describe surface characteristics. panel, there is a delay when there are a lot of materials in the scene.

This occurs because Rhino is requesting the OctaneRender for Rhino plugin to regenerate the preview icons for all the Octane materials. To stop this, either rightclick the material preview icon in the Materials tab and untick “Auto-Update Preview” (which will stop all material previews being generated). Or click the Materials panel spanner icon and untick “Show Preview Pane”.

  1. Can I create and load Octane material presets?

Yes. As an example, create a new Octane MaterialThe representation of the surface or volume properties of an object., set material Node Type to SpecularAmount of specular reflection, or the mirror-like reflection of light photons at the same angle. Used for transparent materials such as glass and water., Save to File “C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros5.0\Localization\en-US\Render Content\Octane Specular”. Then to do a quick load, click Create New Material and select Octane Specular.rmtl. You can also load .rmtl files via Rhino scripting, with the RenderLoadMaterialFromFile command.

  1. Why is the Viewport black whilst rendering?

Either there are no lights in the scene, or the resolution is set to 4 x 4, in which case disable the Resolution Lock button, which will set the resolution to the Rhino viewport size.