Quick-Start Guide

  1. Install the plugin as per Installation and Overview.
  2. Watch the OctaneRender for Poser Features video.
  3. https://player.vimeo.com/video/53821805

  1. Watch the Getting Started video
  2. Watch the InstancingInstancing an object means taking a single imported mesh object, such as an OBJ or an FBX and making multiple copies, each of which can be placed in different parts of the scene. This saves an enormous amount of computational resources because only a single object is loaded into the scene. video
  3. https://player.vimeo.com/video/54438243

  4. Watch the HDR Light Studio video
  5. https://player.vimeo.com/video/102384061

  6. Read the Octane 2.0 Features.
  7. Read the Octane 2.1 Features.