Octane Camera

The Octane camera position, target, up vector and fovThe area that is visible to a camera lens usually measured in millimeters. A wide angle lens provides a larger field of view and a telephoto lens provides a narrow field of view. (Field of ViewThe area that is visible to a camera lens usually measured in millimeters. A wide angle lens provides a larger field of view and a telephoto lens provides a narrow field of view.) are all taken from the current Poser camera. Only non-orthographic cameras can be rendered in the Octane Render Viewport (i.e., the Poser Main, Aux and Dolly cameras). The current Poser camera must also be scaled to 100% (which is the detault), in order to be rendered in the Octane Render Viewport.

To move the Octane camera, simply move the current Poser camera. The Octane camera will be updated whenever you move or rotation the Poser camera.

Limitation: The Octane Render fov calculated for Dolly cameras does not exactly match the Poser viewport.

When you can click on the Octane Render Viewport, it sets the Octane focalDepth parameter to the element distance that you clicked on. This will also set the current Poser camera focusDistance dial to the same value. If the focus button is selected, then the Octane focalDepth will be taken from the Poser camera focalDistance dial. This is incredibly handy for rendering an animations, since the focalDistance in Poser can be keyframed, and it will be assigned to the Octane camera focalDepth for each animation frame (remember to turn autofocus OFF, and to click the “eye” button.

All other Octane camera settings are in the “camera” tree item under “rendertarget” in the Render Options List Window on the Settings tab of the plugin.