Instance Range


The Instance Range texture node functions in a similar way to the Instance Color texture node. The Instance Range texture holds a greyscale color with the Maximum ID range of 0 to whatever figure you enter in this parameter, and OctaneRender® prepares this range to map it to geometric instance IDs.

Figure 1: Parameters of the Instance Range texture node


Just as a LuaA scripting language that supports procedural, object-oriented, functional, and data-driven programming. It can be used to extend Octane’s functionality.A scripting language that supports procedural, object-oriented, functional, and data-driven programming. It can be used to extend Octane’s functionality. script or any of the OctaneRender® plug-ins are able to generate instances of an object, these same processes can also assign an ID to each generated instance, which results in a grid of instance IDs. You can then assign colors to each instance ID via Texture (in this case with an image in the Instance Color texture), and match the IDs with pixels of the image, starting at the bottom-left and moving up to the top-right. For the example below, there are 10x10 instances that a Lua script assigns IDs to each instance, generating 100 IDs. To map the range, the Maximum ID attribute must match the number of generated IDs - 100 in this case.

Figure 1: A 10x10 grid of greyscale colors in an Instance Range


Figure 2: Instance Range node in the Nodegraph


You can use other mapping textures, such as the Gradient texture, in conjunction with the Instance Range to create some interesting variations.

Figure 3: Gradient texture and Instance Range


Figure 4: Gradient node and its parameters


Since OctaneRender® stores the colors as a texture, this option is more flexible compared to storing the colors directly with the geometry, since it allows you to specify more than one color per instance.