


If the plugin asks you to authenticate each time you run Nuke, contact Paul Kinnane and the issue will be forwarded to Otoy®



  1. If you have multiple video cards, ensure SLI is disabled
  2. If you have issues rendering with the plugin, try rendering with Octane Standalone – if Standalone is not working, you have a graphics card/driver or other hardware/operating system issue.
  3. If you get Cuda error 500, 700 or 702, you have an Nvidia driver issue (see above), and Windows configuration issue (see question 5 of the FAQ), or a hardware issue (in which case, try underclocking your card, and monitor card temperatures with GPUThe GPU is responsible for displaying graphical elements on a computer display. The GPU plays a key role in the Octane rendering process as the CUDA cores are utilized during the rendering process.-Z).



If you have a problem, check the following logs:

  1. Octane Log (the Octane Log button in the Render Controls section of an Octane Renderer node.on the top button bar in the OctaneRender Setup window) – this will detail any Octane or Cuda errors.