Thin Lens Camera


Thin Lens Camera settings can be accessed from the Render Toolbar > Camera Button > Camera tab.



Thin Lens Camera Parameters

Camera - Allows you to select the camera type.

Orthographic - The camera shows an orthographic view. If disabled, the camera shows a perspective view.

Distortion - Adjusts the spherical and cylindrical distortion. The rendered image displays the entire sphere and uses equidistant cylindrical projection, also known as lat-long projection.

Use Modo Film Offset - When enabled, this setting automatically converts Modo's film offset to Octane's lens shift.

Lens Shift X/Y - This is useful if you want to render images of tall buildings/structures from a similar height as the human eye, but keep the vertical lines parallel.

Perspective Correction - If the Camera's up-vector is vertical, enabling this option keeps vertical lines parallel.

Pixel Aspect Ratio - Squashes or stretches the depth-of field disc and renders it to a non-square pixel format (like NTSC or PAL).

Use Modo Clipping Distance - When enabled, this setting automatically converts Modo's clipping distance to Octane's near clip depth.

Near Clip Depth - The distance from the camera to the nearest clipping plane, in meters.

Far Clip Depth - The distance from the camera to the farthest clipping plane, in meters.

Use Modo F-Stop for ApertureDetermines how much light enters a camera lens. A large aperture produces a narrow depth of field and a small aperture produces a wide depth of field. - When enabled, this setting automatically converts Modo's f-stop to Octane's aperture.

Aperture - The camera lens opening's radius, measured in centimeters. Low values create a wide depth-of-field, where everything is in focus. High values create a shallow depth-of-field, where objects in the foreground and background are out of focus.

Aperture Aspect Ratio - Squashes and stretches the depth-of-field disc.

Aperture Edge - Controls aperture edge detection at all points within the aperture, and modifies the bokeh effect. Lower values produce more pronounced edges to out-of-focus objects affected by a shallow depth-of-field, such as objects in the foreground and background. High values increase the contrast.

Bokeh Side Count - The number of edges making up the bokeh shape.

Bokeh Rotation - The bokeh shape's orientation.

Bokeh Roundedness - The roundness of the bokeh shape's sides.

Use Modo Focus Distance - When enabled, this setting automatically converts Modo's focus distance to Octane's focal depth.

Auto-Focus - Focus is kept on the closest visible surface at the center of the image, regardless of the Aperture, Aperture Edge, and Focal Depth values.

Focal Depth - The focal area's depth, measured in meters.