Modo Materials


The plugin includes some basic real-time conversion of Modo MaterialsA set of attributes or parameters that describe surface characteristics..


NOTE: Due to the global nature of the Modo Shader Tree, changes to Modo Materials require the plugin to rebuild all materials in the scene. Heavier scenes may display a progress bar. For best performance, convert all materials to Octane Overrides. The plugin can process Override changes individually, rather than rebuilding all materials.


Material Channel Support

The following Modo MaterialThe representation of the surface or volume properties of an object. channels are supported:


Volumes also support the following Modo Material > Material Rays > Volumetrics channels:


Material conversion notes:


Shader Layer Support

Shaders with Alpha Type set to Shadow CatcherThe Shadow Catcher can be used to create shadows cast by objects onto the surrounding background imagery. The shadows cast are not limited to simply a ground plane but can be cast onto other surfaces of varying shapes., are converted to Octane Diffuse Materials with Shadow Catcher enabled. Modo requires materials with Shaders, to be placed above the Base Shader.


Shader Tree Effect Support

The following Shader Tree Effects are supported:


Image Map Texture Layer Support

The following Image Map texture layer channels are supported:


Image Still Colorspace Support

When an Image Map Texture Layer is used in the Shader Tree, the Image Still Colorspace has some limited support. These Colorspaces use a gamma of 2.2 in Octane: sRGB, sRGBf, Rec. 709, Gamma 2.2. Colorspace Gamma 1.8 uses a gamma of 1.8. Colorspace (default) causes Modo to use the scene default. All other Colorspaces are treated as None/Linear and use a gamma of 1.0.


Texture Locator Support

See Modo ProjectionsMethods for orienting 2D texture maps onto 3D surfaces. for details.


Light Texture Support

The plugin includes basic Shader Tree texturing support for Area Lights. A single texture layer (with alpha) is supported and must be set to "Light Color" Effect. The texture's Blend Mode can also be set to multiply, and will be multiplied by the light color. It's best to set the texture locator projection type to UV Map for predictable results.