Local DB


Local DB is similar to Live DB, but uses the local file system for storage of user materials.


Loading Local DB Materials

The Modo plugins supports 2 methods for importing Local DB materials.


To use the Octane DB window:

  1. Run the following Modo command: octane.importLiveDb
  2. In the "Octane DB" window > Local DB tab, right click the desired material and choose "Import"
  3. Drag the imported Override into the desired MaterialThe representation of the surface or volume properties of an object. group in the Shader tree.


To browse for a file:

  1. Run the following Modo command: octane.importLocalDb
  2. Browse to you LocalDb directory and select an ORBXThe ORBX file format is the best way to transfer scene files from 3D Authoring software programs that use the Octane Plug-in such as Octane for Maya, Octane for Cinema 4D, or OctaneRender Standalone. This format is more efficient than FBX when working with Octane specific data as it provides a flexible, application independent format. ORBX is a container format that includes all animation data, models, textures etc. that is needed to transfer an Octane scene from one application to another. file.
  3. Drag the imported Override into the desired Material group in the Shader tree.


NOTE: If the material contains texture maps, these will be extracted to the LiveDb Texturemap Folder specified in the Octane Preferences window.


Saving Local DB Materials

To save overrides to Local DB:

  1. Select an Octane Override in the Shader Tree
  2. Run the following Modo command: octane.exportMaterial
  3. Browse to you LocalDb directory and save an ORBX file.


NOTE: The location of the Local DB directory can be found in Octane Standalone > File > Preferences > Application > Local DB directory.