Live DB


The Live DB is OctaneRender's asset database that stores MaterialsA set of attributes or parameters that describe surface characteristics., Node groups, and even whole scenes shared by the OctaneRender® community and team. The asset database makes it easier to move assets across various OctaneRender® plugins.


Loading Live DB Materials

To import Live DB materials directly into Modo:

  1. Run the following Modo command: octane.importLiveDb
  2. In the "Octane DB" window > Live DB tab, right click the desired material and choose "Import"
  3. Drag the imported Override into the desired MaterialThe representation of the surface or volume properties of an object. group in the Shader tree.


NOTE: If the material contains texture maps, these will be extracted to the LiveDb Texturemap Folder specified in the Octane Preferences window.


NOTE: If you are trying to import node graphs from Live DB > OTOY > Procedural TexturesTextures are used to add details to a surface. Textures can be procedural or imported raster files., you will need to have an Octane Override selected first.


Using Standalone to Access Live DB Materials

Another way to access Live DB materials is to load them into Standalone, then copy them over to Modo.


To copy a Standalone material into an Octane Override:

  1. Using Standalone, import a Live DB material, then right click > Copy the node graph.
  2. In Modo, create or select an Override, then click "Paste Material".
  3. Drag the new Override into the desired Material group in the Shader tree.


To copy a Standalone material into an Octane NodeGraph node:

  1. Using Standalone, import a Live DB material, then right click > Copy the node graph
  2. In Modo, make sure Octane is rendering and create/select an Override.
  3. Add a NodeGraph node and connect it to the Override.
  4. Press "Paste From Clipboard" on the NodeGraph node.


For a demonstration of the last method, see this video at the 3:45 mark: