The Panoramic Camera renders spherical Environment maps, stereo Cube maps, and other unconventional images.
Figure 1: The Panoramic Camera attributes
The Panoramic Camera settings are identical to the Thin Lens Camera settings, except for the following:
FOVThe area that is visible to a camera lens usually measured in millimeters. A wide angle lens provides a larger field of view and a telephoto lens provides a narrow field of view. X - The horizontal field of viewThe area that is visible to a camera lens usually measured in millimeters. A wide angle lens provides a larger field of view and a telephoto lens provides a narrow field of view. in degrees. This sets the X coordinate for the camera's horizontal field of view in the scene. This is ignored when you use Cube mapping.
FOV Y - The vertical field of view in degrees. This sets the Y coordinate for the camera's vertical field of view in the scene. This is ignored when you use Cube mapping.
Panoramic Type - Specifies the Panoramic projection to use. Choose either a Spherical Camera Lens or a Cylindrical Camera Lens.
Keep Upright - Keeps the Panoramic camera oriented towards the horizon and the up-vector stays in its default vertical direction.
Pano Blackout Latitude - This is the +/- latitude where the panorama cuts off when you enable Stereo rendering. This defines the minimum latitude (in spherical camera coordinates) where the rendering blacks out.