OSL Geometry


OSL (Open Shader LanguageA shading language developed by Sony Pictures Imageworks. There are multiple render engines that utilize OSL as it is particularly suited for physically-based renderers.) geometry refers to the new Octane Vectron functionality. Octane Vectron (Vector-Polygon) is a procedural ‘uber’ primitive, providing infinite procedurally-generated scenes, Volumes, and Geometry, which bypass Meshes and Volumes (figure 1).


Vectron has zero memory footprint, driving increased efficiencies when compared to meshes or volumes generated on CPUs. This enables Vectron to provide procedurally-generated scenes from the GPUThe GPU is responsible for displaying graphical elements on a computer display. The GPU plays a key role in the Octane rendering process as the CUDA cores are utilized during the rendering process. without using VRAM. Vectron provides tools in an artist’s workflow, and helps in rendering triangle-free geometry with the use of OctaneRender's built-in OSL support and OSL texture shaders.


Figure 1: An OSL Geometry node and it's associated code used to render a Mandlebulb-like 3D structure