Live DB


The LiveDB is Octane’s asset database that lets you access MaterialsA set of attributes or parameters that describe surface characteristics., Node groups, and even whole scenes shared by the OctaneRender® community and team. The Local DB allows you to access your own locally-stored OctaneRender assets, making it easier to share assets between scenes and projects. To access the LiveDB, your computer must have an internet connection.

To open the LiveDB, go to the Octane shelf and click on the Octane logo. This opens up a window with two tabs labeled LocalDB and LiveDB.


Figure 1 : Open Octane DB by clicking on the Octane logo on the OctaneRender shelf


You can also access the LiveDB from the Octane menu.


Figure 2: Accessing the LiveDB from the Octane menu


You can add an asset from the LiveDB to a scene by right-clicking on the thumbnail and clicking on Import.

Figure 3: Importing an asset from the LiveDB


TexturesTextures are used to add details to a surface. Textures can be procedural or imported raster files. downloaded with the assets are saved to the current project's Source Images folder.