
There are four major rendering kernels in OctaneRender™: Direct Lighting, Path Tracing, PMC and Deep Channel.

Direct Lighting

Direct Lighting is used for faster preview rendering. Direct Lighting is not unbiased but is useful when creating quick animations or renders.


Path Tracing

Path Tracing is best used for realistic results (together with PMC). The render times are higher than Direct Light­ing but the results can be photorealistic. It can have some difficulties with small light sources and proper caustics (for which pmc is better suited).


PMC is a custom mutating unbiased kernel written for GPUs. It allows for com­plex caustics and lighting to be resolved.


InfoChannel Kernel

The Info_channel_ker­nel creates false-color images of the scene, containing various types of information about the scene. In scenes where the environment is vis­ible you should enable the alpha channel.

The following settings are available:

For display these values are scaled to get values approximately be­tween 0 and 1. All tone mapping settings except for min_display_ samples and gamma are ignored. Exposure is enabled for Z-depth, and will indicate the value which gets mapped to white. To save these channels you should use untonemapped EXRAlso known as OpenEXR. This image file format was developed by Industrial Light & Magic and provides a High Dynamic Range image capable of storing deep image data on a frame-by-frame basis..