
The MaterialsA set of attributes or parameters that describe surface characteristics. tab of the plugin contains a Favourites combobox. You can now save a material as a “Favourite” by rightclicking the material tree and select the “Save as Favourite” menu option and entering a Favourite material name. That material will then be available in the Favourites combobox, and can be quickly applied to the current material by simply selected it from that combo box.

Where a Favourite (which is an xml material export file) contains image/alphaimage/floatimage files with NO FOLDER specified, the image file will be loaded from the Favourites folder (ie. “C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\OctaneRender for Inventor\Favourites”). This allow users to put together and distribute “Favourites” material libraries – where the XML and image files are stored in the Favourites folder.