Turbulence Procedural


The Turbulence node can create many different effects based on banded noise, such as wood, marble, flesh, and more.


Figure 1: The Turbulence parameters and a typical node network setup


Turbulence Parameters


Power - A multiplier that controls the texture's overall brightness.

Offset - Shifts the Turbulence pattern in 3D space.

Octaves - Sets the scale of the noise detail.

Omega - Controls the detail in the underlying fractal pattern.

Use Turbulence - Toggles on the turbulent noise calculation, which is multiplied against procedural noise.

Invert - Inverts the values of the Noise texture.

GammaThe function or attribute used to code or decode luminance for common displays. The computer graphics industry has set a standard gamma setting of 2.2 making it the most common default for 3D modelling and rendering applications. - Adjusts the Noise texture's luminance values.

Transform Input - Sets the position, scale, and rotation of the texture on the surface.

Projection Input - Sets the way the texture projects onto the surface.