Octane Menu And Octane Shelves


Octane Menu

The OctaneRender® plugin adds a new dropdown menu to Houdini®with useful links and information about OctaneRender (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The Octane Menu


Octane Shelves

There are two Octane shelves. The main shelf includes all the basic tools to work with the plugin, like adding the Octane ROP node or the RenderTarget MAT node, Octane lights, etc. (Figure 2). The IPRProvides artists a quick preview of the image prior to the final render, and efficiently allows for adjusting some elements in the scene such as lights, shaders and textures interactively. An IPR image contains shading and lighting data including some for visibility, in addition to the software render. tab supports some IPR features while working with the MPlay IPR (Figure 3).


Figure 2: The Octane shelf



Figure 3: The Octane IPR shelf


To add the Octane shelves, click on the + icon at the end of the shelf tabs, then click Shelves and select Octane (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Adding the Octane shelf from the Add Shelves menu