Panoramic Camera


The Octane Panoramic Camera renders in accordance with 360, VRImmersively engaging and experiencing depth perception in a three dimensional scene through stereo vision goggles and head-mounted displays. or Dome Mapping instead of just rendering a flat image. Once the Camera Type is set to Panoramic in the Octane Camera Tag, the Panoramic tab will be available (figure 1).


Figure 1: The Panoramic Camera settings.


Panoramic Camera Parameters


Camera Mode

Specifies the panoramic projection that should be used, with 3 options: Spherical Camera Lens, Cylindrical Camera Lens and Cube Map. Single-face cube map projections are available allowing users to render only one face of the cube. This is useful for animation overlays in stereo panorama renderings.


Fovx (degree)

The horizontal field of viewThe area that is visible to a camera lens usually measured in millimeters. A wide angle lens provides a larger field of view and a telephoto lens provides a narrow field of view. in degrees. This sets the x coordinate for horizontal field of view of the camera in the scene. This is ignored when cube mapping is used.


Fovy (degree)

The vertical field of view in degrees. This sets the y coordinate for the vertical field of view of the camera in the scene. This is ignored when cube mapping is used.


Keep Upright

If enabled, the panoramic camera is always oriented towards the horizon and the up-vector will stay in its default direction (vertical) at (0,1,0).