Deactivation and Troubleshooting


A typical scenario: Let's say you want to work on the project with two different machines; one in "Computer A" and other one in your "Computer B". You can deactivate your license from your "Computer A" and reactivate in your Computer B" (and vice versa). Deactivation is easy in Version 3. Just close your Octane application (i.e Maxon Cinema 4D). This releases the License from your computer. You can then reactivate OctaneRender on another machine bt using your Octane credentials.


NOTE: The licensing behavior described above applies to Octane 3. For users of Octane 2, you must manually Deactivate/Reactivate your license(s). To do this go to the Plugin's settings-> account->deactivate and in Standalone, go to preferences->account->sign-out.

Octane 2.x and 3.x licenses can still co-exist on the same machine.

If you want to use Octane on more than one machine at a time, you will need to buy additional licenses for the other machines.



If you are having startup issues, delete  the “otoy_credentials” file from these locations; Then try again to restart the application and sign in procedure.

You can also run the Standalone V3 application and sign-out from the account section.