Cinema 4D Surface Shaders & Surface Textures


Octane can use native shaders / textures of Cinema 4D called Surfaces. All of these textures are procedural. Some are also available in Octane, such as Noise, Checker, and Turbulence. Some of these textures work very well with Octane. For example, if you want to create procedural wood texture, you can use the Wood texture from this section.


You can also work with these surfaces in the Node Editor. You can connect some of these surfaces to any Power, Texture or Amount slot on Octane nodes. However, you can not use the Octane Transform or Projection nodes for these surface textures. Figure 1 shows all the Cinema 4D surface textures that can be used by Octane.

Figure 1: Images are obtained from Maxon website for display purpose only. All Rights Reserved.


Figure 2: Examples of C4D surfaces rendered with Octane.